Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

vacation time

: : the next few weeks for me will be spent here, on Sa Tuna beach in northern Spain. And in Sweden with family & friends. happy summer! Ill be back with lots of photos to share.

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

dos visits

: : oh, I'm so happy. I have found a new favorite blog .dosvisits. by the .dosfamily.
(via .finelittleday.) so much eyecandy! wonderful wonderful photos of regular people's home in Sweden. have a lovely weekend!

from sthlm

: : I got a very sweet email from .tiffany. at .from sthml. She is a a San Fracisco girl married to a Swede. Having spent a lot of time in Sweden she has gained a deep appreciation for Swedish design. Frustrated that she can't find some of the items in the US that she has come to love in Sweden she decided to launch her own website to bring indepent Swedish designers recognition as well as selling their products in limited editions. It's a wonderful intitative I think, and I love being able to learn about the designer and being able to buy their products. We need more online resources like this for Scandinavian products!! Thank you .tiffany.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

wedding invite with a story

: : I love this wedding invite. (via designsponge) Maybe because I can relate in so many ways. God knows how many miles we traveled over the years, and the phonebills we payed. but it was never hard to justify because somewhere deep down you knew already from the beginning.........
we just celebrated our 10 year anniversary this week. (flowers and gourmet dinner awaited me at home, tack älskling!) and we've only been sharing a zip code for the last of those 10 years. long distance can work!! believe me!

Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

thoughts on a Friday

: : minimalistic posters with words of wisdom. the creator was inspired by his public school teacher. via .swiss-miss.
happy weekend!

swedish design awards at Pratt

: : the .Swedish Design Award. exhibit is coming to .Pratt. on June 18th. The exhibit showcases the best of current Swedish Design. worth a visit, I'm sure!