Jumat, 15 Desember 2006


so, my plan for my Friday night was to stay at home, do laundry, pack, wrap gifts and get ready for our Sweden trip. what happens?....I give my roommate a ride to a party, 20 minutes later I fidn myself at target and it's 10 PM. 10 minutes later than that...I'm standing with a basket full of oxo products, walking towards the register and of course pass the cleaning isle on the way.....and I just can't resist the beautiful .method. products, sitting on the shelf, happy and colorful. 5 minutes later, I'm looking around for a cart because my basket is now getting too heavy. 10 minutes later, I'm standing in the parking lot, with a giant target bag and $ 100 less in my bank account. but the method products look..oh, so good in our bathroom. I'm such a sucker for design! damnit!

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